Big wins in 2019

Mason Milo and Calibro 2nd in the $1,000 Low Children’s Welcome!
Oct, 2019

Congratulations to Mason Milo and Calibro! They finished 3rd in the USHJA Children’s Jumper Team Championships!!
Oct, 2019

Grace Kamphefner and HMS Diamond 54 Champion Low Child/Adult, Reserve Champion High Child/Adult and 4th in the $2,500 Jumper Stake!!
Oct, 2019

Avery Myers and White Out 6th in the $3,000 Derby Challenge!
Oct, 2019

Dani Conway and Shot of Chambord Champion .85, Champion Pre Child/Adult and Reserve Champion .90!!! What a show for this duo!!
Oct, 2019

Dani Conway and Shot of Chambord had an awesome day!!!
Oct, 2019

Grace Kamphefner and HMS Diamond 54 have been very blue lately!! 2 wins in the Low Child/Adult and a win in the High Child/Adult!!
Oct, 2019

Avery Myers and White Out won the Pony U/S!
Oct, 2019

Gianna Milo and 6 year old Helios win the 2’9 out of 17 riders!!
Oct, 2019

Gianna Milo and Lulavani won four Pleasure classes and finished Champion!!!
Oct, 2019

Ashlyn Meyer and Bastille won two Pleasure classes!! Cutest thing ever!!!
Oct, 2019

Lulavani won the Open Hunter Classic with an 87 and 85 and was Reserve Champion Performance 3’6!!
Oct, 2019

Drambuie owned by Jamie Campbell, won both 2’6 rounds and was Reserve Champion!!
Oct, 2019

Grace Kamphefner and HMS Diamond 54 won the 1.10 with quite possibly their best round yet, it was flawless!!
Oct, 2019

Winner! Winner! Dani Conway and Shot of Chambord won both their classes today!!
Oct, 2019

ICSS Sunplay won both his classes today!!
Oct, 2019

We only have one horse at the Halloween Show, but she was Champion! Lulavani Champion Performance 3’6.
Oct, 2019

Lulavani was awarded Hunter Derby Grand Champion at Sac International!!
Oct, 2019

Lulavani won the Carolyn Atkinson Hunter Derby held at Brookside last week. That was two derby wins at two different location in one week.
Oct, 2019

Audrey Summers finished her show with a win in the Children’s Hunters and third in the CPHA Foundation!
Oct, 2019

Avery Myers and White Out Champion Children’s Pony Hunters!!
Oct, 2019

Audrey Summers and Navarro 7th in the Child/Adult Hunter Derby!!
Oct, 2019

And....our biggest winner today who happens to be in the tiniest most stunning package...Avery Myers and White Out!! Champion Children’s Pony Eq, Reserve Champion Pony Eq!!
Oct, 2019

Lulavani wins the USHJA National Hunter Derby!
Oct, 2019

Lulavani Reserve Champion Performance 3’6.
Oct, 2019

Navarro Champion Green 3’6!
Oct, 2019

Nikoletto did it again!!
Oct, 2019

Navarro had a great day in the Green 3’6!!
Oct, 2019

Our Gianna Milo receiving the Junior Style of Riding Award!! The judges choose one rider at the show who is 17 and under to receive this honor.
Sep, 2019

Gianna Milo had a week of smiles with her Nikoletto and finished with a BANG!! Champion in all 3 divisions!
Sep, 2019

Mason Milo and Calibro had an awesome week with a win in the Low Child/Adult and the Children’s Jumpers and Reserve Champion Low Child/Adult Jumpers!
Sep, 2019

Avery Myers and White Out finished 10th in the Pony Hunter Classic!
Sep, 2019

Avery Myers and White Out are crushing it in Pony Hunter land!!
Sep, 2019

Wow!! How is it only Saturday?! Another blue and another Champion for Gianna Milo and Nikoletto!! This time the .80.
Sep, 2019

Avery Myers and White Out are crushing it in Pony Hunter land!!
Sep, 2019

Mason Milo and Calibro win the Low Child/AA Jumpers out of 21!!
Sep, 2019

Navarro finished Reserve Champion in the Green 3’6!!
Sep, 2019

I don’t think this duo could be any prouder! Gianna Milo and Nikoletto Champion .70 and won the .80 and .85 today!!
Sep, 2019

Winner, winner!! Sale horse, Conati wins the Greens today.
Sep, 2019

Nikoletto was blazing fast for the win today!
Sep, 2019

Navarro was our big winner today!! Green 3’6 is easy peasy for this lovely 6 year old. 1st and 2nd over fences, 3rd on the flat!
Sep, 2019

Lulavani Reserve Champion High Performance
Jul, 2019

Lulavani with a win in the High Performance.
Jul, 2019

Mason Milo completed his first Emerging Athletes Program with a win in the competition round of the clinic.
Jul, 2019

Envy Me RR and Mason Milo won the .90 yesterday!
Jun, 2019

Lulavani wins her 18th derby.... the 10k Let’s Show Hunter Derby!
Jun, 2019

Team Milo 3rd in the $5,000 Jumper Team Relay!
Jun, 2019

Gianna Milo and Nikoletto Reserve Champion .80 and .85!
Jun, 2019

Mason Milo and Calibro 3rd in the $3,000 Jessica Forsyth Children’s/AA Classic! He was also 7th on Envy Me RR.
Jun, 2019

Avery Myers and White Out 10th in the Bitsy Shields Eq Challenge out of 27 riders!
Jun, 2019

Sami Milo aboard Lulavani win the $5,000 Trainer Equitation after 3 phases.
Jun, 2019

Mason Milo and Calibro Champion Children’s Jumpers!
Jun, 2019

Grace Kamphefner and HMS Diamond 54 Champion Low Adult!
Jun, 2019

Avery Myers and White Out finished Reserve Champion Pony Hunters!
Jun, 2019

Grace Kamphefner and HMS Diamond 54 win the Low Adult Jumpers!
Jun, 2019

Envy Me RR won the 1.0m and was 3rd in the 1.10 yesterday.
Jun, 2019

Lulavani wins the Performance Hunters today.
Jun, 2019

Mason Milo and Calibro did it again! Two for two in the Children’s Jumpers!
Jun, 2019

Nikoletto! Whoop whoop!!
Jun, 2019

Mason Milo and Calibro win the Children’s Jumpers!
Jun, 2019

Team grey mares are killin it too! Shot of Chambord for the win and Envy Me RR second.
Jun, 2019

Nikoletto started our day with double blues in the jumper ring!
Jun, 2019

Lulavani 3rd $10,000 USHJA International Hunter Derby at Woodside.
May, 2019

Mason Milo and Calibro finished their week with a win in the $500 Low Child/Adult Classic and 4th in the $500 Child/Adult Classic!!
Apr, 2019

Avery Myers and White Out 2nd in the Children’s Pony Stake!!
Apr, 2019

Gianna Milo and Kelly Acres Anastasia finished their week by winning .75 Stake AND .80 Stake today!! That left them Champion .75 and Reserve Champion .80. What a week!!
Apr, 2019

Avery Myers and White Out had a super week earning almost all red ribbons in tough pony competition. She pulled a blue today in the Pony Hunter Handy AND finished Reserve Champion in the Children’s Pony Hunters and Pony Hunters!
Apr, 2019

Yay!!! Jamie Campbell and Drambuie 2nd in the very competitive Disney Derby with a score of 84!!
Apr, 2019

Dani Conway and Shot of Chambord made their showing debut with a bang and two blue ribbons!!
Apr, 2019

Jamie Campbell and Drambuie win the Novice Equitation!
Apr, 2019

Shot of Chambord, owned by Dani Conway, finished 7th with an unlucky last rail in the Brookside Jumper Special!
Apr, 2019

Mason Milo and Calibro are 3 for 3 in the Children’s Jumpers!
Apr, 2019

Shot of Chambord, owned by Dani Conway, had another win today in the 1.0 Jumpers for Champion!
Apr, 2019

Lulavani wins the $10,000 SVS Hunter Derby! PC: GrandPix Photography
Apr, 2019

Grace Kamphefner and HMS Diamond 54 won the Adult Jumpers today! Mason Milo and Calibro won the Children’s today and yesterday!
Apr, 2019

They did it again! Gianna Milo and Kelly Acres Anastasia are 3 for 3 in the .75 and second in the .80.
Apr, 2019

Lulavani had another win in the Performance Hunters for Champion!
Apr, 2019

Navarro, owned by Michelle Waters, finished the Green Hunters 3’6 Reserve Champion!
Apr, 2019

Gianna Milo and Kelly Acres are 2 for 2 with another win today! Great job girls!
Apr, 2019

The old man is feeling fantastic! Way to crush the 1.10 Calibro, you’re the best big guy.
Apr, 2019

Seriously obsessed with Shot of Chambord, owned by Dani Conway. What a way to make her US debut.
Apr, 2019

Navarro, owned by Michelle Waters, was a super in the Greens 3’6 and Performance 3’3. #photobomb
Apr, 2019

Lulavani had a great day in the Performance.
Apr, 2019

Gianna Milo and Kelly Acres Anastasia take the win!
Apr, 2019

Lulavani Champion Performance Hunters.
Feb, 2019

Lulavani had a great morning in the Performance Hunters!
Feb, 2019

Jamie Campbell and Drambuie win the Low Child/Adult Eq!
Feb, 2019

The boys are feeling pretty proud of themselves! Champion Low Child/Adult and 5th in the Stake, plus 7th in the Children’s/AA Stake!
Feb, 2019

Mason Milo and Nikoletto Champion .70 and Reserve Champion.80! He got a big prize for his sister who is sick since he got to ride her pony.
Feb, 2019

Michele Saario and Princess Ramira finish 7th in the $1,000 Derby Challenge!
Feb, 2019

Lulavani 2nd in the $10,000 FoxFarms Hunter Derby
Feb, 2019

Audrey Summers and Bourbon Street won the CPHA Foundation!
Feb, 2019

Nikoletto wins again, this time with Mason Milo since Gianna is sick.
Feb, 2019

Mason Milo and Calibro win the High Child/Adult Jumpers! Double blue day for the boys.
Feb, 2019

The ladies crushed it in the Low Child/Adult Hunters! Great riding Jamie Campbell and Michele Saario!
Feb, 2019

Lulavani and Nikoletto both pulled blues today! Thanks for the great prizes @theclassicshorseshows !
Feb, 2019

Nikoletto had quite a day!!
Feb, 2019

1st and 2nd in the Low Child/Adult Jumpers! Great job Mason Milo and Grace Kamphefner!
Feb, 2019

Lulavani had a great day in the Performance Hunters and finished Reserve Champion.
Feb, 2019

Lulavani wins the $2,000 Open Hunter Classic!
Feb, 2019